Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Freezer Paper T-Shirts for kids

Song of the Day: Season of Love by Shiny Toy Guns

Hey everyone! I know it’s been quite some time since I posted but, what can I say? I got a job! So yay for me!

 As a result, I will probably be posting something every day for the next few days to play catch up. :)

 The neat thing about having a job is that I now work in a craft store so I can get crafty new things just about every day. That works perfect since it means El and I can do more things for a cheaper price. The other day she and I made t-shirts for her and her best friend. I created a stencil and copied it onto freezer paper, cut out the parts that needed cutting out and ironed the shiny side down onto the shirt. Then we painted in the stenciled parts  (making sure to put some freezer paper or plastic under the shirt and on top of what you're painting on!!) and let them dry (since we both have little patience regarding just waiting we used a hair dryer). They came out super cute!

And I think we are going to make a few more now, too. My family sponsors two kids through World Vision and these are perfect for sending through the mail. El and I have been talking and we really want to make some way cool shirts for the boy and girl we sponsor and I think it will help to show El how we can show love and create beautiful and useful things for others even if we have never met them face to face.  If you’ve never heard of World Vision, you should look into it. And if you have, but haven’t sponsored a child yet, go HERE and get started! It’s a wonderful thing to do. 99% of what is donated goes straight to the kids. It makes it so that they can have clean water and food and clothing. It also makes it so that they go to school and are able to learn what they couldn’t if they didn’t have this money. We may be in a depression or coasting in the United States, but there are places all over where children don't have enough to survive on. Even in the USA.
Ok, that’s my soap box message.  Make cool shirts, sponsor a child through World Vision.  Have a fantastic  week!

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